Rs 100,000 /month
Address: 394/6,2nd lane ,ekamuthu mawatha ,kosswatta,battaramulla
Beds: 4
Baths: 3
House size: 2,000.0 sqft
Land size: 11.0 perches
Dinning and living
4 bed rooms(two rooms with AC)
3 bath rooms with hot water
Wooden staircase
2 garages with roller gates
servant room with toilet
Rent 100000 /=per month Key money – 6 months rent Negotiable
Mention when calling seller to get a good deal
Use a safe location to meet seller
House For Rent In Koswatta Rs 100,000 /month Address: 394/6,2nd lane ,ekamuthu mawatha ,kosswatta,battaramullaBeds: 4Baths: 3House size: 2,000.0 sqftLand size: 11.0 perches Dinning and living 4 bed rooms(two rooms with AC) 3 bath rooms with hot water...