Rs 46,000
Condition: Used
Brand: Apple
Model: iPhone 7
Edition: Iphone 7 128GB
Bluetooth, Camera, Dual-Lens Camera, Fingerprint Sensor, Motion Sensors, 3G, 4G, Touch screen
iPhone 7 128Gb
Very good condition
Battery health 100%
No any errors ❤️
Exchange ok with iPhone 7 plus
Mention when calling seller to get a good deal
Use a safe location to meet seller
Apple iPhone 7 128GB Rs 46,000 Condition: Used Brand: Apple Model: iPhone 7 Edition: Iphone 7 128GBFeature Bluetooth, Camera, Dual-Lens Camera, Fingerprint Sensor, Motion Sensors, 3G, 4G, Touch screen iPhone 7 128Gb Very good condition USA Battery he...