Price On Call


Type : Sell
Date : May 27, 2021
Condition : New
Warranty : Yes
Brand : Xiaomi
Model : Redmi 9
Age : Brand New
Usage : Still in original packaging
Condition : Perfect inside and out
Extras : 3G Data, Bluetooth Enabled, Camera, Color Screen, Email Access, GPS, Internet Browing, MMS Enabled, Mobile TV/Streaming Video, PC Sync, QWERTY Keyboard, Radio, SMS-Text Messagine, Speakerphone, Touch Screen, USB Interface, Video Camera, Wi-Fi Capable, Motion Sensors
Location : Raihan Technology 159 2A, Dematagoda Road, Colombo - 09 Maradana.

Xiaomi Redmi 9

Redmi 9 32GB / 3GB

Redmi 9 4GB / 64GB

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